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Review from the Teacher

"Sexist and boring. Why would I want to read this?" -James Huffman-Scott (Idaho, USA)

"I hope your teacher thinks this is as cool as you do." -Barbara Scott (Idaho, USA)

"Ick, God that's ugly." -Anonymous

"That is the best thing I have ever spent any amount of time looking at. Seriously. I'm making a vagina cake. Tomorrow." -Ashley Trent (Michigan, USA)

"I applaud you for this Xenia, it made me feel proud to be Female." -J-Lee (British Columbia, Canada)

"This was amazing. That cake was pretty great. Oh, well done, well done. Hooray for being a lady." -Jane (South Carolina, USA)

"Very well-written. Educational while at the same time exhibiting a dry, slightly sarcastic humor that made reading it entertaining." -Jason (Massachusetts, USA)

"I now love vaginas. They are not gross; in fact, they are simply wondrous." -Christel Warren (Massachusetts, USA)

"A wonderful creative approach to loving EVERY part of your body.. I truly hope that it leads at least one person to embrace being a woman. Very well-done and original!" -Rachel (Texas, USA)

"It's so good to see someone who is proud to be a female and whom can talk about her own vagina with out being ashamed. Good job! You have made me proud to be female." -Rebecca Egan (Victoria, Australia)